UEFA Champions league Final 2018 - Visualisation of players using 3d scans
I worked for Repronauts 3D Creation Labs on this project. Repronauts 3d scanned each player, capturing photographic and infrared data together with the point cloud of each player. My work, within Maya involved a range of tasks. The simplest was creation of normal maps using hi-res and low-res meshes provided. I also tidied up geo where inaccuracies or errors had occurred in the scans (mostly around the eyes), and then helped overview their accuracy in the finalisation of each player where texture & form were checked against photographic references.
The work was commissioned by Uefa, who then offered it to tv media across Europe for use in the hours prior to the match. Unfortunately BT Sport did not have the personnel with skills needed to use the data bundles involved and therefore declined the offer. Hence we didn't see these graphics in the UK. Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany and various other Eastern European countries did show the work.